Every day we will have lectures and contests. Each class will have its specific schedule. The base schedule is shown bellow:

Activity World Final Class Brazilian Final Class
Contest 13:15-18:15 08:00-13:00
Lecture 08:30-11:30 14:30-18:00
Lunch 11:30-13:00 13:00-14:00
Dinner 18:15-19:00 18:00-19:00

All lectures and contests will be held on IC-3 building. Lunch and dinner will be at the University Restaurant

Registration, Opening Ceremony and Integration

We will start distributing student material at 7:30 on Monday, January 23rd for the Brazilian Final Class and at 8:00 for the World Final Class.

We will have two opening ceremonies, one for each class. The World Final opening ceremony will be at 8:30 and the Brazilian Final opening ceremony will be at 14:30.

We will have our traditional pizza on Saturday, 28th from 18:00 to 22:00.

Each Thursday will be dedicated to our sponsors. These activities will be in classroom CB03 at Ciclo Básico I - CB I, which the exception to the activity of Eldorado and Motorola, which will be at IC 3 with also a visit to their facilities.

January 26th

  • 10:00: Rei do Pitaco
  • 13:30: Eldorado/Motorola (at IC3)

February 2nd

  • 09:30: Stone
  • 14:30: Vtex

Vtex will give a cocktail party after their event.